After four amazing years as a firm, we’ve certainly made a lot of memories. As the countdown for our anniversary celebration began, we reached out to the entire BRIC team to poll them on some of their favorite moments over the last several years. From groundbreaking ceremonies and site visits to White Elephant gift exchanges and our famous Thanksgiving lunches, everyone’s input proved that BRIC is so much more than just a group of people who show up to do a job every day. We’re a team that’s as invested in our work as we are in the people around us – both in the office and in the community.
With all the responses we got, it’d be easy to continue on and write a novel about what a joy it is to be a part of this team. Instead, we’re going to let the following pictures speak for themselves.
We hope you’ll enjoy this trip down memory lane.

Cheers to many more memories in the years to come, BRIC’ers!