As we reflect on Black History Month, we are hopeful that everyone will continue to learn, grow, and discover something new about aspects of Black culture and history. It is imperative for this knowledge to be carried forward as we all work to create a more just, inclusive, and resilient society.
The last few years have been filled with massive transitions for our country. The global pandemic that came to every doorstep and corner of our country further exposed the systemic rot in our society’s status quo. More than ever Black Lives Matter.
Architecture – from the most theoretical to practical – must play a leadership role in creating a more inclusive and just society. It is imperative for us to be eager to broaden our perspectives and continuously learn. In that light, we want to share initiatives and steps all firms can take to learn, grow, and discover beyond a single month of the year.
We realize that good design work starts with our staff and community. Review your internal policies for equity and become an International Living Future Institute (ILFI) Just organization. Then transparently share those benefits to employees, consultants, community, and planet.
A DEI/JEDI Committee cements attention to all issues affecting equity in our designs. Explore how you can increase volunteerism and be more targeted to BIPOC organizations. Actively seek BIPOC partners who inspire you. Provide a forum for self-reflection and find areas where we can improve our studios on issues of DEI and Justice. If you know of such an agency who would be a good partner or may benefit from our move towards a more just and equitable society, reach out to them.
NOMA PDX is adopting the Call To Action developed by NOMA NW and invites every firm to sign onto this pledge as well. We also encourage you to join your local NOMA chapter. We are excited to have a chapter in Portland, Oregon: NOMA PDX!