Salem-Keizer Public Schools

McKay High School Addition and Remodel

Since its original construction in 1978, Salem-Keizer Public Schools has added 12 portable classrooms and a 6-classroom Annex building to the McKay High School campus to address previous enrollment growth. Now, BRIC is working with the District to design an expansion of the main school building to serve 2,200 students and remove the necessity of portable classrooms.

Completion Date
Summer 2021
Salem, OR
  • Dan Hess
  • Marc Nordean
  • Jeremy Geddes
  • Rudy Schuver
  • Julie Condon
  • Jay Fesler
  • Thea Wayburn
  • Elisa Warner
  • John Westfall

The identified expansion projects include the addition of 11 science labs, 4 general classrooms, 2 career technical education (CTE) program spaces, flexible learning space, several new special education (SPED) rooms, and an auxiliary gymnasium. The scope also encompasses extending the current Commons into the existing library, building a replacement library, and expanding the school’s kitchen. Similarly, additional space with be allocated to administrative and support areas in order to serve the larger student population.

BRIC office in Portland, OR

Listening is one of the most important elements of our process – we can’t wait to hear from you!